Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bowling Tournament

Yesterday Kathy and I took our bible class to a nursing home for a Wii Bowling Tournament! We each were paired up with a resident, then the residents played the odd frames and we played the even frames. I'm glad we got to be on teams! Several residents bowled solid strikes or spares every turn while we seemed lucky to pick up some pins! The activities coordinator was great, she even had medals for the winning teams. :-) Here's some pictures:


brenda said...

Looks like lots of fun for everyone! Great idea :-)

The Driskells said...

Wish we'd had Wii bowling when I was pregnant! I actually tried to do the real thing - and it doesn't work!
What a fun activity and great outreach!
: ) Kara

Amy Simpson said...

I went by to visit Frank after you guys had been there -- he was SO excited about having won 2nd place!! He really wanted to go to Hope, but when I came back on Sunday he wasn't feeling well enough to go...Thank you. You made his week!