Thursday, May 14, 2009

At home

To make a long story short, and because I'm not quite ready to go through all the details - We went to the hospital Saturday morning and little William was born Saturday night. We came home Monday afternoon.

Our Schedule:
Nursing, when William cries
Diapers, frequently
Sleeping, when William isn't crying
Brushing teeth, when/if we think about it
Showers, I don't know, I think I've had two this week
Pain medication, every 4 hours

I love my husband and our son, and I'm so happy. This is definitely an adjustment, and it's just going to take a while to get used to our new "normal." I love showing off William, so just call if you want to come over! We'll have to get pictures up here later.


The Driskells said...

Yeah! I didn't know he had been born! Congratulations. I'm looking forward to the pictures.

Rachael said...

Kara...that is MY fault that you didn't know! I am so sorry :( You were on my list to call and baby William came at a tough time for us. By the time we were able to call (almost a day and a half later) I thought everyone already knew. Sorry I dropped the ball. Love yall, though, and I love you too Lauren! I can't wait to call and come see you guys this weekend : )

brenda said...

I know you are doing a great job with our precious newborn grandson! He's a doll!

daddyO and honey said...

i love your schedule!!! keep up the good work, call if you need anything. all of the dinner days were taken by the time i got back to mitzi. sooooo....we will connect with your next week. love to all