Thursday, May 21, 2009

First Insanity Moment (that I remember)

So, last night William was sleeping when Curtis and I went to bed around 10:30. Then at 11, William woke up and stayed awake until 3:00 am. It was awful, he was crying and wouldn't calm down. Curtis tried burping, rocking, and walking for an hour. Then I took over and tried nursing, rocking, mylicon (gas medicine) twice, wearing him in a sling, a vibrating bouncy chair (that worked for 15 minutes and I fell asleep on the floor), and everything else I could think of. I thought about going for a walk outside, but I didn't feel like getting dressed, and it's probably not nice to share your screaming baby with the neighbors at 2 in the morning. Anyways, William finally fell asleep around 3, so I put him in his cradle and I got back in bed.

After I'd slept a little while, I sat straight up and started throwing the covers around yelling, "Where's the baby?! Where's the baby?!" I remember grabbing Curtis's thigh because it seemed about the right size, but that wasn't the baby so I kept looking frantically through the sheets. Then I remember Curtis telling me that the baby wasn't in the bed and I could go back to sleep.

Let's hope for a less exciting night tonight.


The Driskells said...

Lovin' this post! You gotta watch out for those tricky thighs that look like babies! Hilarious!

Amy Simpson said...

Oh,, in moments like those, do you choose whether to laugh or cry?! Thanks for sharing your experiences with us.

daddyO and honey said...

i got cold chills as i finished reading your blog. what it reminds me is a mom's heart is never the same after the birth of a child. God's love is that protective love to a much greater extend toward us. welcome to the wonderful and i mean wonderful world of motherhood!! peace to you three tonight!!

Rachael said...

Love you guys! And, I am hoping that you have some easier nights ahead.:) Give William a big hug and kiss for me!

Alison said...

oh, lauren...i love what your friend amy said...laugh? cry? it is so true. those moments in which you are painfully aware that life is no longer the same can be overwhelming, but just wait...i am sure that God will remind you in this day...and days to come...that little William is completely worth it! you know that already, i know! i will pray for some wonderful sleep in the days to come. this sleepless time will be over before you know it. blessings.

Karen said...

Poor Lauren! Sleep deprivation can make you do crazy things. I hope all three of you get a good night's sleep tonight.

Janet Jergins said...

Well, having a baby changes your brain, or maybe it's just the sleep deprivation and terror of the first three months. Hang in there, William will survive.