I'm still waiting for someone to see me, know from my belly that I'm pregnant, and make a comment. It hasn't happened yet. Here's three recent pregnancy conversations I have had.
Today in my office one of my favorite study abroad students came to visit me. Jeremy is from Abilene, has known me several years, and even plays frisbee with my husband and friends. He came in my office, I stood up, walked around my desk to give him a hug, then I remained standing so he could see my belly and (hopefully) comment. We talked about Thanksgiving, his classes, his family, my family, but no pregnancy comments. We finished catching up with each other (I'm still standing), and Jeremy looked around my office and noticed the lists of nominated baby names my student workers keep on my office door.
He looked puzzled, looked at me, and said, "What's this?"
"Jeremy, I'm pregnant!"
My student worker, Tina, witnessed all of this and started yelling, "Didn't you notice her baby bump?! What, did you think she has just gained a bunch of weight?!"
Then I introduced Tina and Jeremy, Jeremy added a name to each list, and left.
I hesitate to put this one up here, because I don't remember it exactly. (hahaha, blame it on the pregnancy) Over the Thanksgiving break we met Curtis's family for dinner one night. I wore a small t-shirt so my tummy would be more visible. I knew that Curtis's family was excited about seeing the baby bump I've advertised on this blog. Eilene saw me, gave me a hug, and said something like, "Well, you're not that big." It's true, I'm not.
Before the Thanksgiving break I was working with the Admissions office helping introduce visiting high school students to ACU. While the high school students were eating lunch I went over to say hi to a group of four admissions student workers that I know (they'd studied abroad). One of the students, Dani, has been excited about my pregnancy ever since she found out a few weeks ago. When I walked up to their table Dani said, "Hey Lauren! Hey, I think you're gaining some weight!"
"Yeah, about five pounds." I looked at my tummy, she looked at my tummy. We were smiling.
"Well, at least your tummy isn't all flabby like some people."
"Oh, I think there's some flabby spots." I started poking the top part of my tummy to show her that it wasn't hard.
We realized that the other two students hadn't said anything in a while, and when we looked at them, they had awkward, embarrassed looks on their faces! Finally Dani said, "Don't y'all know that she's prego?! Oh my goodness!"
They thought that I had just put on some unwanted pounds and Dani and I were just chatting about it for fun!!
So far, my dad has been my favorite. We went to visit my parents over the break. When I got out of the car he said, "Hi Sweetheart, you look great!" and he gave me a hug. Then no more talk about my tummy for four days.
Thanks Dad.