Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Can you feel the baby moving?

Can I feel the baby moving? Probably. Am I sure? No.

I guess I'm waiting to feel a definite punch or kick, but that's not likely for a while. It seems to me that some women tend to be more aware of their bodies than others. I'm sure there are women that can tell when they ovulate, when exactly they became pregnant, and when their two-ounce baby started moving around. That's not me. I'm lucky if I notice that I haven't been to bathroom all morning. I think, "Oh, maybe I should go to the bathroom."

According to some books and websites, I might be feeling a fluttering sensation in my tummy area. A "popcorn popping sensation" or "gentle brushing" is what I'm looking (feeling?) for. Hmmm. If I hold my breath and try to be very still so I can determine any non-Lauren movement, I just feel and hear my heartbeat. It gets louder and stronger the longer I wait, so I go back to emailing, Wheel of Fortune, sleeping, or whatever else I was doing.

I'll keep you posted.


The Driskells said...

You make me laugh! Please stop holding your breath just to feel the baby! : ) Kara

brenda said...

*Lay down and be still
*Drink something with sugar and/or fizz (Sprite®, orange juice, etc.)
*Lay on your stomach
*Play music to your belly

I got all these off some internet site...if it was me, I'd just wait a couple of weeks, you'll feel the baby move!

Elizabeth Graham said...

You know, I've never felt a baby kick (which is crazy)! I mean, in someone else's tummy of course. Maybe I'll feel yours over Christmas break! It would be neat for my first time to ever feel a baby kick to be my first niece/nephew!

Unknown said...

you are very funny... :-)
so, cailyn was due may 31st, and i began feeling her in the beginning of january. you're probably a week, days, or even moments away! enjoy this time!