Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Trip to Mexico

Hey, here's some pictures of my trip to Mexico. I don't tend to carry my camera around, so these aren't representative of most of my experiences, just the two times I had my camera: 2 hours on the beach, and 2 hours on the runway in Mexico City. Most of my time I was at a very nice hotel in Merida, Mexico. My favorite part was the Coconut ice cream dessert on Wednesday night - Coco Champola! Sadly, it's only available in Merida.

First the beach with my friend and coworker, Sue Ann. Then the parade of emergency vehicles that checked out and re-fueled our plane when we had some problems with a warning light.

1 comment:

The Driskells said...

You took pictures of the emergency crew??? That's the goofiest thing I've heard of! Were you sceptical of their ability to fix the plane and therefore felt the need to document their work?
: ) Kara