I have a baby carrier that I love. It's a contraption made of a waist strap, a big pocket for William, and two shoulder straps that cross in the back. The whole thing is made of fabric, so I can roll it up and put it in my diaper bag. I can carry William facing in or out, and it's comfortable for both of us. I use it at the grocery store, Elizabeth's volleyball games, the library, Target... pretty much anywhere that I'm going to be standing up or carrying William up and down stairs. It's much easier than his car seat.
We get a lot of comments that go something like, "Well that's the life!" and "Must be nice to be carried around all day." Some days we don't get many comments, and other days we get lots of crazy ones. Here's a few of my favorites:
3 year old boy at Target:
"MOM!!! That baby is HANGING there!! MOM!!!"
Young woman at Target to her 2 year-old girl:
"Look at that baby. Poor baby. Poor, poor baby. You used to be a baby. Poor baby."
Old lady at HEB:
"Well that baby is just precious. Look at him riding in that! Have you taken a picture of him? You should take a picture of him."
Man in an elevator at the Dr. office:
"Just like hangin' in a tree! Now he knows what it's like to hang in a tree! Just like hangin' in a tree..."
I guess that makes me a tree.
"I guess you liked carrying him in your belly for 9 months?"
"Excuse me?"
"You're still carrying him on your belly!"
Lady at HEB:
(after a long conversation about how William must be a magician because he apparently makes his nose boogers come out of his eye)
"Now, I ride motorcycles and that would be the perfect way to ride with my new niece!"
I reply with stunned silence thinking about how illegal and dangerous that would be.
"How much does one of those things cost?"
"This one was $90."
"Oh! That's expensive! Can I buy yours from you?"
"No. I'm keeping this for a long time. We have to go."
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Things are good. William's still working on crawling. He's getting better at getting up on his hands and knees, and he's started rocking back and forth. I'm glad that babies grow gradually.
I think last November I went to a study abroad conference in Merida, Mexico. My favorite part was sitting in pretty curly-iron chairs eating coconut ice cream at a 100-year-old ice cream shop on the main square of the city. This November I'm blending batches of sweet potato and cleaning light blue lint out of the dryer filter. Probably just as sweet.
Halloween was good. William was a dino and we went to Elizabeth's volleyball game with all four grandparents. Bill stood up and cheered in the aisle, Karen held William until he fell asleep (then Curtis took over), I got to sit by my mom, and my dad wore earplugs. I think everyone watched William as much as they watched the game. The coaches daughters, an angel and a fairy, came by and gave William a bag of candy; his first trick or treat candy. Like good parents, we ate it all for him.
Curtis has had a busy school week. He had a test on Thursday, quiz on Friday and test today, Monday. His math symbols look like another language (I guess it is). Most of it is math shorthand, and I definitely cannot read it, much less understand what it all means.
I'm sure there's dino pictures on facebook, I haven't had time to look. Here's a couple that we got:

I think last November I went to a study abroad conference in Merida, Mexico. My favorite part was sitting in pretty curly-iron chairs eating coconut ice cream at a 100-year-old ice cream shop on the main square of the city. This November I'm blending batches of sweet potato and cleaning light blue lint out of the dryer filter. Probably just as sweet.
Halloween was good. William was a dino and we went to Elizabeth's volleyball game with all four grandparents. Bill stood up and cheered in the aisle, Karen held William until he fell asleep (then Curtis took over), I got to sit by my mom, and my dad wore earplugs. I think everyone watched William as much as they watched the game. The coaches daughters, an angel and a fairy, came by and gave William a bag of candy; his first trick or treat candy. Like good parents, we ate it all for him.
Curtis has had a busy school week. He had a test on Thursday, quiz on Friday and test today, Monday. His math symbols look like another language (I guess it is). Most of it is math shorthand, and I definitely cannot read it, much less understand what it all means.
I'm sure there's dino pictures on facebook, I haven't had time to look. Here's a couple that we got:
Friday, October 16, 2009
William's doing awesome. He's 5 months old, has 5 teeth (three bottom and two top ones are on their way), and will probably be army-crawling in the next week or two. He loves to smile at his daddy. He's still sleeping through the night, and he's a happy, sweet baby. We started feeding him rice cereal this week, but it's mostly breast milk. He likes to "eat" or move his mouth around when other people are eating. Funny.

Tommy ripped his dew claw when he was running, so we all trooped down to the vet and got it wrapped up. It looked cool.
Tommy ripped his dew claw when he was running, so we all trooped down to the vet and got it wrapped up. It looked cool.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Stay-At-Home Mom
I'm enjoying living on my own schedule.
The first day that Curtis went to school, I was antsy. I spent about three hours moving William from room to room, swing, cradle, crib, floor mat, lap, repeat. I didn't know what I should be doing with my day. I didn't know when it was ok to take a shower, check the mail, or take out the trash, because I didn't have Curtis around to keep an eye on the William and Tommy duo.
But I'm figuring things out and this week is going really well. William sleeps a lot in the mornings, so I'm able to work on things. Yesterday, before The Price Is Right, I washed the Blazer with a hose and a sponge! I don't remember the last time that car was washed!
Today I replaced our broken toilet seat, and that was really a tough job! I don't know how much you know about the mechanics of toilet seats, but their held onto the porcelain thrown by screws, and those screws have big plastic nuts on the underside of the toilet. So, my toilet seat had rusty, corroded screws, and the nuts WOULD NOT screw off. The attempted unscrewing involved me sitting sideways on the toilet seat, with my head between my knees, trying to use pliers to unscrew the crazy nut. After an hour, I had an almost shredded piece of plastic that had moved down the screw a centimeter, with maybe 5 centimeters to go. That's when the Dremmel and safety goggles came out. Power tools are pretty cool. Since the nut was a little ways down the screw, I could get the dremmel in there and cut through the nut on two sides, then pull off each half with the pliers. Awesome! The other untouched nut was harder to cut since it was right up against the toilet, and this side of the toilet is closer to the wall. But I got the dremmel in there and figured if I could cut/melt off a big chunk of the nut, I could rip the rest off. Flying hot plastic pieces and several sparks later, I was able to rip off that crazy nut!! hahaha! I seriously ran two victory laps around the house with my hands up in the air. I've saved what's left of the nuts and I'll carry them around in my purse for a while, so please ask to see them! :-)
The first day that Curtis went to school, I was antsy. I spent about three hours moving William from room to room, swing, cradle, crib, floor mat, lap, repeat. I didn't know what I should be doing with my day. I didn't know when it was ok to take a shower, check the mail, or take out the trash, because I didn't have Curtis around to keep an eye on the William and Tommy duo.
But I'm figuring things out and this week is going really well. William sleeps a lot in the mornings, so I'm able to work on things. Yesterday, before The Price Is Right, I washed the Blazer with a hose and a sponge! I don't remember the last time that car was washed!
Today I replaced our broken toilet seat, and that was really a tough job! I don't know how much you know about the mechanics of toilet seats, but their held onto the porcelain thrown by screws, and those screws have big plastic nuts on the underside of the toilet. So, my toilet seat had rusty, corroded screws, and the nuts WOULD NOT screw off. The attempted unscrewing involved me sitting sideways on the toilet seat, with my head between my knees, trying to use pliers to unscrew the crazy nut. After an hour, I had an almost shredded piece of plastic that had moved down the screw a centimeter, with maybe 5 centimeters to go. That's when the Dremmel and safety goggles came out. Power tools are pretty cool. Since the nut was a little ways down the screw, I could get the dremmel in there and cut through the nut on two sides, then pull off each half with the pliers. Awesome! The other untouched nut was harder to cut since it was right up against the toilet, and this side of the toilet is closer to the wall. But I got the dremmel in there and figured if I could cut/melt off a big chunk of the nut, I could rip the rest off. Flying hot plastic pieces and several sparks later, I was able to rip off that crazy nut!! hahaha! I seriously ran two victory laps around the house with my hands up in the air. I've saved what's left of the nuts and I'll carry them around in my purse for a while, so please ask to see them! :-)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Close Call
Yes, we're settling in to our new house just fine. We bought two new houseplants, William is getting teeth and -breaking news- just rolled over on to his side.
But more importantly, I have a good story. I love a good story. Here's what happened... Curtis, William and I went out to eat and we left Tommy at home, of course. At our old house we were able to use a baby gate to keep Tommy in the living room (ok, a baby gate and a couple of strategically placed chairs), but at this house, the doorways are too wide for a baby gate, so Tommy has access to the living room, dining room, and kitchen. We usually do a good job of checking to make sure there's not much he can tear up before we leave the house, but this time we missed something.
We came home to find a package of hamburger buns (Tommy loves bread) ripped open on the living room floor. He'd eaten 6 of the buns and left 2. William was crying because it was time for me to feed him, so I got down to business while Curtis picked up the licked buns and scraps of plastic that weren't ingested. Curtis walked into the dark kitchen to throw away the ripped bag and buns and that's when he kicked a piece of glass. (dramatic music)
A piece of glass? What was made of glass that was sitting on the counter next to the buns? It was the jar that was temporarily housing Waldo the fish! I was stuck in the living room nursing William and relying on updates from Curtis. "Where's the fish?" "Can you find him?" "Is he dead?!" After a very long second, Curtis found Waldo, and found him alive! He put him in a coffee mug, added some Waco water, and voila! Crazy. Why didn't Tommy eat the fish? He would have been tastier than 6 dry hamburger buns. Waldo lives another day. Now we have a good reason to get his permanent home established.
But more importantly, I have a good story. I love a good story. Here's what happened... Curtis, William and I went out to eat and we left Tommy at home, of course. At our old house we were able to use a baby gate to keep Tommy in the living room (ok, a baby gate and a couple of strategically placed chairs), but at this house, the doorways are too wide for a baby gate, so Tommy has access to the living room, dining room, and kitchen. We usually do a good job of checking to make sure there's not much he can tear up before we leave the house, but this time we missed something.
We came home to find a package of hamburger buns (Tommy loves bread) ripped open on the living room floor. He'd eaten 6 of the buns and left 2. William was crying because it was time for me to feed him, so I got down to business while Curtis picked up the licked buns and scraps of plastic that weren't ingested. Curtis walked into the dark kitchen to throw away the ripped bag and buns and that's when he kicked a piece of glass. (dramatic music)
A piece of glass? What was made of glass that was sitting on the counter next to the buns? It was the jar that was temporarily housing Waldo the fish! I was stuck in the living room nursing William and relying on updates from Curtis. "Where's the fish?" "Can you find him?" "Is he dead?!" After a very long second, Curtis found Waldo, and found him alive! He put him in a coffee mug, added some Waco water, and voila! Crazy. Why didn't Tommy eat the fish? He would have been tastier than 6 dry hamburger buns. Waldo lives another day. Now we have a good reason to get his permanent home established.
Monday, July 27, 2009
We made a packing plan, and it's really going well. So far we've just worked on one room a day, and packed up everything in that room except the big furniture and essentials. We've packed up all the drawers, shelves and closets in the dining room, living room, bathroom and our bedroom! Tomorrow we're working on our craziest room, the office/nursery.
In case you didn't see it on facebook, here's our packing helper:
In case you didn't see it on facebook, here's our packing helper:
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Moving Plans
First, The Abilene Story:
I moved to Abilene in August 2001. My family and I parked at Gardner dorm, carried clothes, a pink ironing board and other assorted dorm stuff up to the third floor, and I met my roommate and best friend, Hannah. I loved my freshman year at ACU.
I married my husband in Abilene in August 2004. We got married August 7 at Minter Lane Church of Christ. Friends and family from across the state came to watch a tall and short couple tie the knot and a crazy groomsman knock over my little cousin to catch the garter.
Curtis and I lived in four different rent houses in our 79601 zip code (except for the three months we lived in Montevideo, Uruguay) while we both finished school and made plans for our family. Curtis worked at Radio Shack, grounds-keeping at ACU, and as a high school math teacher at Wylie ISD. I volunteered at the zoo for one semester and worked in the study abroad office at ACU.
In August 2006 we adopted Tommy, our first greyhound. Our first night together I sat in bed and stared hard at his black chest to make sure he was still breathing. We didn't have a fence so Curtis and I took him outside for all his potty breaks; middle of the night, before work, lunch break, after work, and before bed. The 10 pm walk was my favorite because Curtis and I did it together, even on snow days. Tommy turned 7 last week. He's a beautiful and sweet dog.
Of course this summer we had our baby, William, and became a stack of three nametags at church. It's been a blur of sleeping and not sleeping, visiting family and having family visit us. We thought it would be a long summer since neither of us would be working, a long summer to rest and get ready to move, but it was fast.
The Plans:
We're packing up this house, ending with a flurry of packing on Thursday the 30th, and we're loading up a U-Haul Friday morning. We'll unpack at our new house, figure out where the nearest HEB is, and get ready for Curtis's graduate school adventure.
I moved to Abilene in August 2001. My family and I parked at Gardner dorm, carried clothes, a pink ironing board and other assorted dorm stuff up to the third floor, and I met my roommate and best friend, Hannah. I loved my freshman year at ACU.
I married my husband in Abilene in August 2004. We got married August 7 at Minter Lane Church of Christ. Friends and family from across the state came to watch a tall and short couple tie the knot and a crazy groomsman knock over my little cousin to catch the garter.
Curtis and I lived in four different rent houses in our 79601 zip code (except for the three months we lived in Montevideo, Uruguay) while we both finished school and made plans for our family. Curtis worked at Radio Shack, grounds-keeping at ACU, and as a high school math teacher at Wylie ISD. I volunteered at the zoo for one semester and worked in the study abroad office at ACU.
In August 2006 we adopted Tommy, our first greyhound. Our first night together I sat in bed and stared hard at his black chest to make sure he was still breathing. We didn't have a fence so Curtis and I took him outside for all his potty breaks; middle of the night, before work, lunch break, after work, and before bed. The 10 pm walk was my favorite because Curtis and I did it together, even on snow days. Tommy turned 7 last week. He's a beautiful and sweet dog.
Of course this summer we had our baby, William, and became a stack of three nametags at church. It's been a blur of sleeping and not sleeping, visiting family and having family visit us. We thought it would be a long summer since neither of us would be working, a long summer to rest and get ready to move, but it was fast.
The Plans:
We're packing up this house, ending with a flurry of packing on Thursday the 30th, and we're loading up a U-Haul Friday morning. We'll unpack at our new house, figure out where the nearest HEB is, and get ready for Curtis's graduate school adventure.
Monday, July 6, 2009
In the weeks after I delivered, it was easy to use numbers to explain how I was feeling. For example, on a scale of 1-10, my pain could be a 5. Or "I'm feeling about 80% today." But recently I've had a few people ask me, "So, are you 100% now?"
That question really throws me for a loop. 100%? I don't know what 100% means anymore. If it means that I feel like I felt before I had William, then I will never be 100%. For one, my belly button and other body parts have forever changed and there's no going back. But maybe more importantly, I have changed. I have a different life now, and there's definitely no going back.
A few months ago a "100%" day might mean that I wake up, feel rested, feel successful at work, check a few things off the household to do list, eat dinner with Curtis and watch a good TV show. But now that wouldn't be a "100% successful day."
I've thought that maybe 100% means how I feel emotionally, whether or not I feel confident and successful in my body and in my mothering. No, that can't be it. Then no one would ask people if they felt 100%. Sheesh.
100% pain free? I don't know. maybe? usually?
100% happy? not usually.
Does anyone else feel 100%??? Probably not.
Or maybe 100% can just mean that I'm doing ok. The people in my house are eating and sleeping and generally happy. Yes, we're 100% people and 100% family.
That question really throws me for a loop. 100%? I don't know what 100% means anymore. If it means that I feel like I felt before I had William, then I will never be 100%. For one, my belly button and other body parts have forever changed and there's no going back. But maybe more importantly, I have changed. I have a different life now, and there's definitely no going back.
A few months ago a "100%" day might mean that I wake up, feel rested, feel successful at work, check a few things off the household to do list, eat dinner with Curtis and watch a good TV show. But now that wouldn't be a "100% successful day."
I've thought that maybe 100% means how I feel emotionally, whether or not I feel confident and successful in my body and in my mothering. No, that can't be it. Then no one would ask people if they felt 100%. Sheesh.
100% pain free? I don't know. maybe? usually?
100% happy? not usually.
Does anyone else feel 100%??? Probably not.
Or maybe 100% can just mean that I'm doing ok. The people in my house are eating and sleeping and generally happy. Yes, we're 100% people and 100% family.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The blog is getting cooler. On the right sidebar, you'll notice our new feature: twitter updates! I think this will be fun.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Success at the Theater
We went to the movies!! Curtis and I watched Star Trek today and William sat in the seat between us and slept through the whole show! Well, he was a little unsettled during the red dinosaur part, but he went right back to sleep. I couldn't believe it! I was so worried that he would start crying... that I would have to take him outside... or breastfeed him during the movie... but he didn't cry, it was easy, and I loved the movie. A big success!
Another story: The ladies at church have been asking when I'll start coming to the afternoon bible study again. I haven't been since I had William. I decided that this week would be a good time. So, Thursday, 5:30, I pulled up in Kay's driveway and I was the first car there. I went up to the porch and noticed that the dining room lights were off. Kay answered the door before I knocked and said, "Well hi Lauren, what are you two doing here?"
"We came to the bible study."
"Is today Tuesday?"
"No, it's Thursday. Is the bible study on Tuesday?!"
Yes, I had totally gotten the day wrong. Kay invited me in anyways and I enjoyed a coke and a break while Kay and her husband played with William. I ended up hanging out on their couch for THREE hours! They suggested that I go run some errands or take a nap, but I was sure that William would need ME any minute, so I stayed on the couch. But he didn't need me and I should have taken a nap. Next time. And that was good to see that William can hang out with other people and be happy. I guess I knew he could, but it's hard for a mom to believe that other people can take of her baby.
William's doing really well. We just finished packing up his 0-3 month clothes and filling his drawers with 3-6 month clothes. Thanks to Hannah and her son, Mason, William has lots of cool things to wear. (Plus all our outfits we got at the showers!) According to the bathroom scales, he's 14 pounds! What a chunk. He usually goes to bed around 11 and gets up sometime between 4 and 7. He slept 'til 6 or 7 twice this week. Nice. We're still enjoying diapers and wipes from the showers and when those run out, we'll jump into our stack of gift cards. We're very thankful, even though I haven't sent out thank you notes STILL!
Here's a picture of William a few weeks ago when he was skinny and had hair... but I wanted to show you how he sleeps in his crib: all spread out!

And here's a picture of him sleeping in his swing today. :-) Look at that belly!
Another story: The ladies at church have been asking when I'll start coming to the afternoon bible study again. I haven't been since I had William. I decided that this week would be a good time. So, Thursday, 5:30, I pulled up in Kay's driveway and I was the first car there. I went up to the porch and noticed that the dining room lights were off. Kay answered the door before I knocked and said, "Well hi Lauren, what are you two doing here?"
"We came to the bible study."
"Is today Tuesday?"
"No, it's Thursday. Is the bible study on Tuesday?!"
Yes, I had totally gotten the day wrong. Kay invited me in anyways and I enjoyed a coke and a break while Kay and her husband played with William. I ended up hanging out on their couch for THREE hours! They suggested that I go run some errands or take a nap, but I was sure that William would need ME any minute, so I stayed on the couch. But he didn't need me and I should have taken a nap. Next time. And that was good to see that William can hang out with other people and be happy. I guess I knew he could, but it's hard for a mom to believe that other people can take of her baby.
William's doing really well. We just finished packing up his 0-3 month clothes and filling his drawers with 3-6 month clothes. Thanks to Hannah and her son, Mason, William has lots of cool things to wear. (Plus all our outfits we got at the showers!) According to the bathroom scales, he's 14 pounds! What a chunk. He usually goes to bed around 11 and gets up sometime between 4 and 7. He slept 'til 6 or 7 twice this week. Nice. We're still enjoying diapers and wipes from the showers and when those run out, we'll jump into our stack of gift cards. We're very thankful, even though I haven't sent out thank you notes STILL!
Here's a picture of William a few weeks ago when he was skinny and had hair... but I wanted to show you how he sleeps in his crib: all spread out!
And here's a picture of him sleeping in his swing today. :-) Look at that belly!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
First Insanity Moment (that I remember)
So, last night William was sleeping when Curtis and I went to bed around 10:30. Then at 11, William woke up and stayed awake until 3:00 am. It was awful, he was crying and wouldn't calm down. Curtis tried burping, rocking, and walking for an hour. Then I took over and tried nursing, rocking, mylicon (gas medicine) twice, wearing him in a sling, a vibrating bouncy chair (that worked for 15 minutes and I fell asleep on the floor), and everything else I could think of. I thought about going for a walk outside, but I didn't feel like getting dressed, and it's probably not nice to share your screaming baby with the neighbors at 2 in the morning. Anyways, William finally fell asleep around 3, so I put him in his cradle and I got back in bed.
After I'd slept a little while, I sat straight up and started throwing the covers around yelling, "Where's the baby?! Where's the baby?!" I remember grabbing Curtis's thigh because it seemed about the right size, but that wasn't the baby so I kept looking frantically through the sheets. Then I remember Curtis telling me that the baby wasn't in the bed and I could go back to sleep.
Let's hope for a less exciting night tonight.
After I'd slept a little while, I sat straight up and started throwing the covers around yelling, "Where's the baby?! Where's the baby?!" I remember grabbing Curtis's thigh because it seemed about the right size, but that wasn't the baby so I kept looking frantically through the sheets. Then I remember Curtis telling me that the baby wasn't in the bed and I could go back to sleep.
Let's hope for a less exciting night tonight.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
At home
To make a long story short, and because I'm not quite ready to go through all the details - We went to the hospital Saturday morning and little William was born Saturday night. We came home Monday afternoon.
Our Schedule:
Nursing, when William cries
Diapers, frequently
Sleeping, when William isn't crying
Brushing teeth, when/if we think about it
Showers, I don't know, I think I've had two this week
Pain medication, every 4 hours
I love my husband and our son, and I'm so happy. This is definitely an adjustment, and it's just going to take a while to get used to our new "normal." I love showing off William, so just call if you want to come over! We'll have to get pictures up here later.
Our Schedule:
Nursing, when William cries
Diapers, frequently
Sleeping, when William isn't crying
Brushing teeth, when/if we think about it
Showers, I don't know, I think I've had two this week
Pain medication, every 4 hours
I love my husband and our son, and I'm so happy. This is definitely an adjustment, and it's just going to take a while to get used to our new "normal." I love showing off William, so just call if you want to come over! We'll have to get pictures up here later.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Fun Visit
Mom and Carole came up for two days this week to come to my office shower, help wrap up the nursery and they also cleaned my house! Yeah!
Here's some pictures from the shower Monday:

my great student workers!

We went to Sonic before Curtis's softball game:

A snow cone on Tuesday:

And Mom, Carole and Curtis got the nursery together! All we need is a baby!

Here's some pictures from the shower Monday:
my great student workers!
We went to Sonic before Curtis's softball game:
A snow cone on Tuesday:
And Mom, Carole and Curtis got the nursery together! All we need is a baby!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Softball News
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Last Days
For your enjoyment, and because it's a shame to not record funny stories, here's some pregnancy moments to remember:
In my office I usually roll my office chair easily from my computer to my file cabinet, a few feet away because it's a fast and fun way to move around my office. Last week I pushed off from my computer area, and the office chair didn't even make it halfway to filing cabinet...
I can sit in a chair, lean forward, and let my belly rest on the seat easily.
I haven't used the comforter on our bed in a week or two, and I usually don't even like a sheet. It's hot.
Today my coworker's preschooler looked at my belly with worried face and asked, "How does the baby get out?"
When I walk down the hallway at work I feel like a ship.
When I get up in the middle of the night, run into the door frames, and make the floor creak, I feel like Godzilla.
In my office I usually roll my office chair easily from my computer to my file cabinet, a few feet away because it's a fast and fun way to move around my office. Last week I pushed off from my computer area, and the office chair didn't even make it halfway to filing cabinet...
I can sit in a chair, lean forward, and let my belly rest on the seat easily.
I haven't used the comforter on our bed in a week or two, and I usually don't even like a sheet. It's hot.
Today my coworker's preschooler looked at my belly with worried face and asked, "How does the baby get out?"
When I walk down the hallway at work I feel like a ship.
When I get up in the middle of the night, run into the door frames, and make the floor creak, I feel like Godzilla.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Not Counting Down
So, I don't know how many days it is until my due date. I'm trying not to count. I don't really believe in due dates, I think the baby is just as likely to come a little early or a little late.
I've been feeling mostly good, my main problem is being tired all the time and not able to move around very well. But Tommy is still patient with me while I do my slow walk to the back door to let him out.
Oh, good news - a new snow cone stand opened up next to Taco Bueno and it's better than Cajun Cones! I had three last week. :-) If anyone wants to bring me a snow cone while I'm in the hospital, remember to ask them to go easy on the syrup. I like any flavor that sounds like summertime.
Here's a picture of me over a week ago, and the crib and changing table (not quite set up yet).

I've been feeling mostly good, my main problem is being tired all the time and not able to move around very well. But Tommy is still patient with me while I do my slow walk to the back door to let him out.
Oh, good news - a new snow cone stand opened up next to Taco Bueno and it's better than Cajun Cones! I had three last week. :-) If anyone wants to bring me a snow cone while I'm in the hospital, remember to ask them to go easy on the syrup. I like any flavor that sounds like summertime.
Here's a picture of me over a week ago, and the crib and changing table (not quite set up yet).
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Weeks 35 and 36
So, I came home Wednesday night (April 8) with a sore throat. As it got worse, I got madder. My shower was the next day and Curtis and I were going to leave town Friday to go to the Chet and Frances Graham family reunion - our last trip out of town. The sore throat / cold / cough didn't ruin any parties. I had an awesome shower and Curtis and I successfully traveled to East Texas and spent a few days sitting around and eating with no papers to grade, laundry or dishes. We did take the car seat on the trip, but thankfully Baby William stayed in my belly.
Here's some pictures from the shower (Thanks Hannah!)
Hm. took too long to load. I'm going to bed. Maybe the pictures will work out tomorrow.
Here's some pictures from the shower (Thanks Hannah!)
Hm. took too long to load. I'm going to bed. Maybe the pictures will work out tomorrow.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Bowling Tournament
Yesterday Kathy and I took our bible class to a nursing home for a Wii Bowling Tournament! We each were paired up with a resident, then the residents played the odd frames and we played the even frames. I'm glad we got to be on teams! Several residents bowled solid strikes or spares every turn while we seemed lucky to pick up some pins! The activities coordinator was great, she even had medals for the winning teams. :-) Here's some pictures:

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Week 32
Oops, it's been a while since I posted on here. I'm over my cold and tonight I finally felt up to catching up on dishes and laundry and the blog... but now I'm super tired. There's still a load in the washer, a load in the dryer and dry clothes on the bed, ready to be put away.
My pregnancy really is going great. Un-named Baby is moving around and growing all the time. We have quick doctors appointments every two weeks, and those have been easy so far.
Over Spring Break Curtis and I went to the metroplex to visit the Math people at UNT and UTA. There's lots of different types of math nerds... I like mine best. We also got to see our good friends Rachael and Stephen and my parents and sister came up to say hi. They took us out for some awesome Mexican food! Yes!
When we got home we saw that our two remaining fish, Red Dragon and Loot 10, were dead. This was probably because we left the heat off while we were gone. I'm not upset about it. Curtis and I started that aquarium Christmas 2004, had friends fish-sit when we went to Uruguay Summer '05, moved the aquarium to our house on Austin Street, moved it to 18th Street, and moved it to our current house. That was enough aquarium time for me. Sunday I spent a lot of time cleaning the tank and decorations and preparing them for deep storage. The 10 gallon aquarium is packed and awaiting a lift to the garage. I still like fish, a few nights ago I enjoyed checking out lots of videos about aquariums on LAfishguys.com. awesome.
Curtis is on a church softball team! They had their first game last night and it was so fun! We got beat 25-5 by some balding, pot-bellied old men from the Clyde First United Methodist Church. It really was fun, and we're still enjoying laughing about some of the plays! Of course Curtis did an awesome job at first base.
It feels like a heartburn night, so I'm going to take some of my Tums and hit the sack. Oh - this was something I wanted to mention- Hannah took some maternity pictures for us and there's some samples on her blog, vickersdigitalphotography.blogspot.com.
Here's a Hello from Tommy and the baby:
My pregnancy really is going great. Un-named Baby is moving around and growing all the time. We have quick doctors appointments every two weeks, and those have been easy so far.
Over Spring Break Curtis and I went to the metroplex to visit the Math people at UNT and UTA. There's lots of different types of math nerds... I like mine best. We also got to see our good friends Rachael and Stephen and my parents and sister came up to say hi. They took us out for some awesome Mexican food! Yes!
When we got home we saw that our two remaining fish, Red Dragon and Loot 10, were dead. This was probably because we left the heat off while we were gone. I'm not upset about it. Curtis and I started that aquarium Christmas 2004, had friends fish-sit when we went to Uruguay Summer '05, moved the aquarium to our house on Austin Street, moved it to 18th Street, and moved it to our current house. That was enough aquarium time for me. Sunday I spent a lot of time cleaning the tank and decorations and preparing them for deep storage. The 10 gallon aquarium is packed and awaiting a lift to the garage. I still like fish, a few nights ago I enjoyed checking out lots of videos about aquariums on LAfishguys.com. awesome.
Curtis is on a church softball team! They had their first game last night and it was so fun! We got beat 25-5 by some balding, pot-bellied old men from the Clyde First United Methodist Church. It really was fun, and we're still enjoying laughing about some of the plays! Of course Curtis did an awesome job at first base.
It feels like a heartburn night, so I'm going to take some of my Tums and hit the sack. Oh - this was something I wanted to mention- Hannah took some maternity pictures for us and there's some samples on her blog, vickersdigitalphotography.blogspot.com.
Here's a Hello from Tommy and the baby:

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Week 29
I've been sick this week with a cold, and it's not fun. I started feeling bad last Wednesday, the 18th and it's been a long eight days since then. I'm at the end of it (the coughing stage) so hopefully I can rest and be back to my normal pregnant health soon.
The exciting news is that our stroller came in today! It's a chicco cortina travel system in case you want to look up professional pictures on the web. For now, here's some shots I took in the living room.

The exciting news is that our stroller came in today! It's a chicco cortina travel system in case you want to look up professional pictures on the web. For now, here's some shots I took in the living room.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
We have arrived at 28 weeks! This is the beginning of my third trimester, and today it was time to go through all my mostly borrowed clothes again. I guess it makes sense that the pants that fit in December are too small now, and the pants that I put away so quickly because they were so big, fit me just a few weeks later! So it's time to switch out the clothes in my closet again. Please don't be concerned about whether or not I have enough maternity clothes - I have lots of great options! Today I got to try on 8 different pairs of khaki capri pants and take my pick. Nice. But it'll probably take me another week to get all the bigger maternity clothes washed and put away.
Earlier this week we had a doctors appointment. The most interesting thing was that our doctor had a high school student shadowing him. Before the doctor came in, our nurse told us about the high school student and asked us if it would be alright. I'm all about education, internships and shadowing experiences (plus I figured there's no way that Curtis and I would know the student) so we agreed. As stories go, it was a student we both knew! This girl had visited ACU a few weeks before, and a few months ago we sat by her mom at a Wylie football game. It wasn't awkward, it was good. She helped the doctor measure my uterus - 27 cm. Our doctors appointments are going to be every 3 weeks for the next month or two, then we'll start going every 2 weeks, and eventually every week. Lots of doctors visits...
Thursday night I got to go to the Welcome Back Dinner for my Fall 2008 study abroad students. It was pretty fancy. We got to use the new Hunter Welcome Center building, and our dinner was served in Ballroom A. Awesome! It's nice to have a special night for the students. I have a nice boss and he gave me a pretty flowering plant in front of everyone since this is my last Welcome Back Dinner. I had to look up the name of the plant online, it's a cyclaman. You should check it out.
For Valentine's Day Curtis and I went to a relationship seminar at our church. It was good, but it was all day. They had lots of snacks, good games, and it's always good to talk about good communication skills, personality differences and all that. We were tired afterwards, so we didn't go out last night. We stayed home and watched Gladiators. I picked it, and I know it's a funny choice for Valentines.
Tomorrow is Presidents Day, but neither Curtis nor I have the day off, so it'll be a normal Monday.
Earlier this week we had a doctors appointment. The most interesting thing was that our doctor had a high school student shadowing him. Before the doctor came in, our nurse told us about the high school student and asked us if it would be alright. I'm all about education, internships and shadowing experiences (plus I figured there's no way that Curtis and I would know the student) so we agreed. As stories go, it was a student we both knew! This girl had visited ACU a few weeks before, and a few months ago we sat by her mom at a Wylie football game. It wasn't awkward, it was good. She helped the doctor measure my uterus - 27 cm. Our doctors appointments are going to be every 3 weeks for the next month or two, then we'll start going every 2 weeks, and eventually every week. Lots of doctors visits...
Thursday night I got to go to the Welcome Back Dinner for my Fall 2008 study abroad students. It was pretty fancy. We got to use the new Hunter Welcome Center building, and our dinner was served in Ballroom A. Awesome! It's nice to have a special night for the students. I have a nice boss and he gave me a pretty flowering plant in front of everyone since this is my last Welcome Back Dinner. I had to look up the name of the plant online, it's a cyclaman. You should check it out.
For Valentine's Day Curtis and I went to a relationship seminar at our church. It was good, but it was all day. They had lots of snacks, good games, and it's always good to talk about good communication skills, personality differences and all that. We were tired afterwards, so we didn't go out last night. We stayed home and watched Gladiators. I picked it, and I know it's a funny choice for Valentines.
Tomorrow is Presidents Day, but neither Curtis nor I have the day off, so it'll be a normal Monday.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Nursery Bedding
Here's a link to our bedding for the nursery:
We're borrowing this bedding from our friend, Whitney. I'm super excited about it because I've always loved stars and it's nice, calming colors.
We're borrowing this bedding from our friend, Whitney. I'm super excited about it because I've always loved stars and it's nice, calming colors.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
25 weeks
Here we go, movin' towards the last trimester! I'm feeling fine, and the babyman moves around everyday, so I guess he's fine too. All our doctors appointments have gone well. We're starting to do uterus measurements (he uses a measuring tape to measure from my pubic bone to the top of my uterus) so that's new. I should be growing a cm a week. This month I also did the diabetes test and went to the anesthesiologist office to watch the epidural video from the 80's. The most enjoyable parts were the big mustaches and other hairstyles, but the needle parts made me squirm around a little.
I'm also realizing that these are the last months in my pre-delivery, pre-nursing, pre-mom body. These are the last weekends of sleeping late and free time for at least several years. SO... I want to make a list of things I like and maybe next year around my birthday I'll make another list and see how things worked out.
I like to eat chips and salsa, Blue Bell ice cream, coca-cola icees, sour patch kids and I have a cup of coffee every morning. (don't worry, those are mostly splurges, I usually eat lots of VEGETABLES!)
I love my job. I enjoy going to work every day, sitting in my office, emailing students about study abroad, talking with parents, being on campus, talking with people in my office, getting to know lots of students, and being helpful. I'm the study abroad coordinator at ACU and I send 200 students abroad every year. I memorize most of their names, can recognize them on campus, and for a few I recognize their parents' numbers on my caller ID. I manage 3 great student workers 30 hours a week. I regularly make presentations to visiting groups of 3-30 people (usually prospective students) and the past few semesters I've traveled around TX with admissions to attend events and help recruit students to ACU. I love to talk about study abroad, especially our semester programs, and really Montevideo is my favorite.
At home I do the dishes a couple times a week and Curtis helps me do all the laundry every two weeks. I'm a pro at making grocery lists, listing items in order of where they're found in the store and making a total price estimate within a couple dollars.
Weeknights we usually eat at home, watch Wheel of Fortune and one more show (I like NCIS, Chuck, The Office and the bachelor). Curtis plays a lot of Mario Kart and I like to watch. When I play, I run into walls, get stressed out and lose.
I like to go to bed at 10:30. I take a shower every day. If I have free time I usually call my mom.
And here's some pictures:

I'm also realizing that these are the last months in my pre-delivery, pre-nursing, pre-mom body. These are the last weekends of sleeping late and free time for at least several years. SO... I want to make a list of things I like and maybe next year around my birthday I'll make another list and see how things worked out.
I like to eat chips and salsa, Blue Bell ice cream, coca-cola icees, sour patch kids and I have a cup of coffee every morning. (don't worry, those are mostly splurges, I usually eat lots of VEGETABLES!)
I love my job. I enjoy going to work every day, sitting in my office, emailing students about study abroad, talking with parents, being on campus, talking with people in my office, getting to know lots of students, and being helpful. I'm the study abroad coordinator at ACU and I send 200 students abroad every year. I memorize most of their names, can recognize them on campus, and for a few I recognize their parents' numbers on my caller ID. I manage 3 great student workers 30 hours a week. I regularly make presentations to visiting groups of 3-30 people (usually prospective students) and the past few semesters I've traveled around TX with admissions to attend events and help recruit students to ACU. I love to talk about study abroad, especially our semester programs, and really Montevideo is my favorite.
At home I do the dishes a couple times a week and Curtis helps me do all the laundry every two weeks. I'm a pro at making grocery lists, listing items in order of where they're found in the store and making a total price estimate within a couple dollars.
Weeknights we usually eat at home, watch Wheel of Fortune and one more show (I like NCIS, Chuck, The Office and the bachelor). Curtis plays a lot of Mario Kart and I like to watch. When I play, I run into walls, get stressed out and lose.
I like to go to bed at 10:30. I take a shower every day. If I have free time I usually call my mom.
And here's some pictures:
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
23 weeks
I feel good these days. I'm never nauseous, I don't have heartburn or headaches, and I can move around easily. But for the record, pregnancy is a little weird. Besides having a whole baby boy inside me (which is very weird to think about) there's lots of strange things that seem to be normal parts of pregnancy. Hormones have given me some little dots on my face, three small stretch marks, and sweaty palms and feet. I also have a stuffy nose. It's cool - right now I feel thankful and content.
There seems to be a very long semester in front of me, and after that, the unknown world of parenting. Right now I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning at 11:00 when my 56 Spring '09 study abroad students will have left Abilene for DFW and airports around the world.
There seems to be a very long semester in front of me, and after that, the unknown world of parenting. Right now I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning at 11:00 when my 56 Spring '09 study abroad students will have left Abilene for DFW and airports around the world.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Sonogram Pictures
Ok, here's the sonogram pictures. They're fuzzy and not super cute, so I wasn't in a hurry to get them on the blog. The top picture is a foot. The second picture shows the heart cavity and the heart beat, it was much cooler on the video. The bottom picture is the baby's face. I think there's some umbilical cord floating in front of his chest or something, because his body seems like it's a weird shape/size compared to his head. Oh well. The face picture grows on you. :-)

Baby's doing fine. He kicks around every day, which really is encouraging to me. Yesterday I had a stomach bug. We called our doctor after I vomited the first time, and they said to just rest and drink fluids, so I stayed on the couch all day. I was glad that Curtis had the day off to stay at home with me. I'm fine today.
Monday starts another semester of Study Abroad fun! I really do love my job. I'm super excited about the Welcome Back Dinner (later in January) because we get to have it in ACU's new Hunter Welcome Center! I also like the spring semester because we have our annual Photo Contest. I'm looking forward to being in the office, working on my computer, seeing the students and rescuing my wilted office plant from the long Christmas vacation.
Baby's doing fine. He kicks around every day, which really is encouraging to me. Yesterday I had a stomach bug. We called our doctor after I vomited the first time, and they said to just rest and drink fluids, so I stayed on the couch all day. I was glad that Curtis had the day off to stay at home with me. I'm fine today.
Monday starts another semester of Study Abroad fun! I really do love my job. I'm super excited about the Welcome Back Dinner (later in January) because we get to have it in ACU's new Hunter Welcome Center! I also like the spring semester because we have our annual Photo Contest. I'm looking forward to being in the office, working on my computer, seeing the students and rescuing my wilted office plant from the long Christmas vacation.
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